Joseph Azanza


Joseph Matthew R. Azanza

Data Scientist for a US-based cloud communications provider,
with expertise in Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence,
Data Wrangling, Data Storytelling,
Sales Analytics, Sales Operations (Ops),
Marketing Analytics, Marketing Ops,
Business Intelligence, Strategic Initiatives,
Molecular Biology, and Biotechnology,

MS in Data Science
Asian Institute of Management

BS in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
University of the Philippines Diliman

Reach out via LinkedIn

GitHub Profile

Data Science Portfolio

Top 3 Picks

Top 1: Composing Final Fantasy Sound Tracks via Neural Networks

Top 2: Thematic Evolution of Anime from 1980s to the 2010s

Top 3: Going Deeper with Big D: Employing AI to Detect and Censor Pornography and NSFW Objects

Machine Learning and Deep Learning

  1. Kulayan ang Drawing: Predicting Cancellation of Hotel Bookings
  2. Machine Learning in Biology: Predicting Heart Failure based on Patient Medical History and Blood Chemistry
  3. Nomis Case Study: Optimizing the Loan Pricing System of e-Car
  4. Predicting the Daily Returns of Stocks in the Philippine Stock Exchange via Natural Language Processing of News Articles

Big Data and Cloud Computing

  1. Splitting the Internet with Big D: A Machine Learning Porn Classifier using Big Data
  2. Finding patterns between emotional state and played songs
  3. 1st World Problems: Analyzing the Stability of Internet Bandwidth of Canada for 2020
  4. Characterizing Existing Digital Communities in 2020 through Unsupervised Machine Learning

Data Mining

Data Visualization

Applied Computational Statistics


Project source codes and articles can be provided on a case-to-case basis, upon approval of project members.


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