Joseph Azanza
Joseph Matthew R. Azanza
Data Scientist for a US-based cloud communications provider,
with expertise in Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence,
Data Wrangling, Data Storytelling,
Sales Analytics, Sales Operations (Ops),
Marketing Analytics, Marketing Ops,
Business Intelligence, Strategic Initiatives,
Molecular Biology, and Biotechnology,
MS in Data Science
Asian Institute of Management
BS in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
University of the Philippines Diliman
Joseph Matthew Azanza | John Christopher Tambago
Asian Institute of Management
Being a 1st world country, we assumed that Canada has great internet connectivity. There's also the potential to migrate to Canada in 2021 and 2022. Being interested parties, we decided to find out the stability of Canadian internet and which cities we can target based on internet quality. To answer these questions, we decided to explore the Ookla Open Data Dataset available in the AWS Registry. By using Dask clusters to perform Exploratory Data Analysis on the dataset, we determined that our assumptions were correct, i.e. Canada has fast internet and was stable for 2020 regardless of connection type (fixed or mobile). Furthermore we found the state of the internet connectivity per area in Canada. More specifically, we found that Canada has an average of 89 Mbps and 53 Mbps download speeds for fixed and mobile connections, respectively. Download speeds distribution are also skewed towards more people having faster connections than the average. Compared to the Philippines' internet speed, Canada is way faster, with the Philippines having an average internet speed of only around 25 Mbps and 16 Mbps for fixed and mobile connections, repsectively. In terms of locations we can target for migration, we can aim for Toronto, Ottawa, Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver, and Montreal as the internet speed in these locations is above average. Nearby locations in these cities are also viable targets.
Keywords: big data, exploratory data analysis, mapping
Source code can be provided upon request, and upon approval of all project collaborators