Joseph Azanza
Joseph Matthew R. Azanza
Data Scientist for a US-based cloud communications provider,
with expertise in Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence,
Data Wrangling, Data Storytelling,
Sales Analytics, Sales Operations (Ops),
Marketing Analytics, Marketing Ops,
Business Intelligence, Strategic Initiatives,
Molecular Biology, and Biotechnology,
MS in Data Science
Asian Institute of Management
BS in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
University of the Philippines Diliman
Joseph Matthew Azanza | Christian Angelo Delariarte | Lyon Alec Fiesta | Alfonso Limpo | Rea Tanguilig
Asian Institute of Management
The hospitality industry is an essential part of travelling and tourism. As the hotel
industry’s market size grows, so is the rate of cancelled bookings and at one point this
rate reached to as much as 40%. While cancellation of booking is inevitable due to
unforeseen circumstances, there is merit in trying to reduce the cancellation rate. The
group is trying to determine the factors that may lead to cancellation of bookings. We
trained various classifier machine learning models to predict the cancellation status
using a hotel booking demand dataset that contains features like arrival date, daily rate
etc. The best model came out to be the Random Forest Classifier with a test accuracy
of 86.16%. The Random Forest model identified the top 3 predictors as the Lead Time,
Average Daily Rate, and the week number. To look deeper into the customer behavior,
we plotted out a Decision Tree using the Decision Tree classifier model that predicts
cancellation status with an 82.73% accuracy and identified 7 distinct customer
personas with a high likelihood of booking cancellation. Our findings can help
businesses through a potential system we designed where potential cancellations are
flagged and hotel management can tailor-fit mitigation strategies to avoid cancellation.
Our findings can also help customers through insights they can use in managing their
bookings behavior, like not booking way too advance and pushing through with
requests as management identify those requests as commitments.
Keywords: supervised learning, hospitality, hotel, cancellation prediction
Source code can be provided upon request, and upon approval of all project collaborators